Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: December 1, 2024 - Last updated: December 1, 2024


Authors: Małgorzata Dubrowska

Title: (Ur)Enkelinnen zwischen Erinnerung und Erzählung

Subtitle: Literarische Repräsentationen von Traumata in Maja Haderlaps Engel des Vergessens, Ramona Ambs’ Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Großmutter und Mirna Funks Zwischen Du und Ich

Translation: (Great)Granddaughters between Memory and Narrative: Literary Representations of Trauma in Maja Haderlap's Engel des Vergessens, Ramona Ambs' Die radioaktive Marmelade meiner Großmutter and Mirna Funk's Zwischen Du und Ich

Journal: Monatshefte

Volume: 116

Issue: 3: Futurities of Remembrance

Year: Fall 2024

Pages: 382-400

ISSN: 0026-9271 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 1934-2810 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: German

Keywords: Modern History: 20th Century, 21st Century | European History: French History, German History | Types: Rape; Victims: Mental Consequences / Trauma; Representations: Literary Texts / Mirna Funk


- Project MUSE (Restricted Access)

- University of Wisconsin Press (Restricted Access)


Author: Małgorzata Dubrowska, Instytut Literaturoznawstwa (Institute of Literary Studies), Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) - Google Scholar, ResearchGate

Abstract: »This article examines literary representation of traumatic memories of the Second World War and the Holocaust in three contemporary German-language narratives of the third and fourth generations after these events. For the narrators, who operate in a generational mode and are transgenerationally traumatized, the figure of the (great)grandmother becomes an important reference point. They nonetheless manage to assert their own experiences in their narratives through a variety of literary strategies, as each representation of trauma works with fictionalization and aestheticization, while negotiating the challenges of representing traumatic memories. This article analyzes those aesthetic strategies of the novels (such as shifts in perspective, gaps, aesthetics of fragmentation, and flashbacks) to show how the transmission of trauma to the generation of the (great)granddaughters can be represented with literary means. (MD, in German)« (Source: Monatshefte)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Germany | Literature: German literature / Mirna Funk | Victimology: Psychological trauma